e2m3u2bouquet 0.7.1

v0.7.1 Script changes Make sure comments are xml safe Extract username and password from m3u url if they are not passed in Set services to stream type ‘1’ in epg config so that the epg can be imported if serviceapp is overriding stream type ‘4097’ to exteplayer3 Minor fixes & tidy Option for custom stream type for TV and VOD Allow https & rtmp services Unicode fixes Url encoding fixes Plugin changes Multi custom provider support File based setup (values can be edited in an xml file instead of entered using the remote) Provider managed update system Fixed time schedule... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet 0.7

v0.7 Updated release today of the script only. This update adds the following functionality to the script Config file based settings Support for multiple providers If you are a plugin user on 0.6.3 with a single IPTV provider there is no need to upgrade to script version 0.7 (Plugin v0.7 is in the pipe line). However as probably the largest out standing feature on our list I thought it worth releasing the script alone for those that don’t mind the commandline. So script release is available here; https://github.com/su1s/e2m3u2bouquet/releases/tag/v0.7.0 Install Guide Download and extract the e2m3u2bouquet.py file. FTP it to /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet 0.6.3

v0.6.3 Quick update to cover the changes made in v0.6.2 & v0.6.3 v0.6.2 Changes New versions of epg-importer use categories for sources. The IPTV provider source will now be listed under the ‘IPTV Bouquet Maker – E2m3u2bouquet’ v0.6.3 Changes Some providers are now using Cloudflare (or equivalent service) to restrict access to their service. In some case this resulted in the script/plugin being unable to download the providers playlist. v0.6.3 has a workaround for the issue Latest releases here Community guides here

e2m3u2bouquet 0.6.1

v0.6.1 Script changes Dedicated config directory ‘/etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet’ Pre Python 2.7.9 SSL context workaround Remove delimiter options (command arguments -d1, -d2, -d3, -d4) Option to place IPTV bouquets at top or bottom ‘-bt’ Consistent channel numbering (best results when IPTV bouquets are set to top). Each new IPTV category will start numbering +100 from start of last category Plugin changes Add /picon option for download path Show last playlist update Add override service refs option Add IPTV bouquet position option Add option download providers bouquet (for custom service refs) Notes The delimiter command arguments have been removed (-d1, -d2, -d3, -d4).... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet 0.6

v0.6 Better m3u parsing Plugin Plugin (beta) We’ve now released a plugin for the script. As it’s still in beta please only use if you are comfortable knowing it’s only had limited testing and know how to re-flash your box if you encounter any issues. Update: Not had any negative reports so should be safe to use Plugin features:- Named provider support Ability to set commonly used options Ability to set an update schedule Plugin install Download the ipk and ftp it to the /tmp folder on the box. Either install it from the box GUI (in OpenVix this will... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet 0.5.4

v0.5.4 Add nameOverride attribute to xml files to allow service or bouquet names to be changed Add option to use service references from providers bouquet file. -b command argument,see below Add SSL fix for some boxes. Unconfirmed if working (if this now allows you to use the provider based setup please let us know in the comments below) Improved service ref id generation logic to reduce (hopefully eliminate) id conflicts especially if override file is used Add option -xs to stop service refs from override.xml file being used Custom service references from providers bouquet file Some providers already map their... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet 0.5

V0.5 Latest release focuses on custom mapping and now allows a number of new possibilities:- Reorder bouquets Reorder channels within bouquets Disable entire bouquet or individual channels Ability to change service reference (so that EPG from existing satellite service can be used) Ability to replace local DVB in IPTV bouquet (e.g. if your box has a tuner you can use it for FTA channels instead of the IPTV versions) Change tvg-id to match other xml epg feeds Custom mapping To use the custom mapping feature run the script once, it will create ‘e2m3u2bouquet-sort-current.xml’  in the working directory, FTP this to... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet 0.4.2

V0.4.2 Quick post, purely a bug fix release, Includes 0.4.1 fix invalid picon path hanging the script includes 0.4.1 update service number to use numbers unlikely to be in use by existing sat services includes 0.4.1 leave service number gaps between categories to reduce the effect of playlist additions cause the epg to get out of sync Fixed error for ACE and FLAWLESS users where “:” in category put the box into an infinite loop e2m3u2bouquet_v0.4.2  

e2m3u2bouquet 0.4

V0.4 OK been a couple of weeks but we have been busy. Latest version of the script is now available below or from the home page, goto the home page for install instructions etc. The script has come on a bit and is starting to be a bit more mature, some 500 lines of code compared to the initial release at 100 lines. We are also now a team of 2! so kudos to Doug Mackay for doing at least half the coding on this release, also to Jose Sanchez for supplying the code for the picon support. So changes... Read more

e2m3u2bouquet – Automation via cron job

Cron Automation OK quick post for those who requested it. ssh to your enigma2 box install busybox-cron opkg install busybox-cron Now set up your job crontab -e Will open the cron text editor. Next steps need to be followed exactly as vi isn’t the most user friendly text editor Press insert to start inputting text Input your schedule and the command to run eg: 0 6,18 * * * /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet/e2m3u2bouquet.py >> /tmp/e2.log or 0 6,18 * * * /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet/e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://stream.fabiptv.com:25461/get.php?username=YOURUSERNAME&password=YOURPASSWORD&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://stream.fabiptv.com:25461/xmltv.php?username=YOURUSERNAME&password=YOURPASSWORD" press escape to exit text entering mode input :wq to write and quit from the file, your... Read more