
Quick update to cover the changes made in v0.6.2 & v0.6.3

v0.6.2 Changes

  • New versions of epg-importer use categories for sources. The IPTV provider source will now be listed under the ‘IPTV Bouquet Maker – E2m3u2bouquet’

v0.6.3 Changes

  • Some providers are now using Cloudflare (or equivalent service) to restrict access to their service. In some case this resulted in the script/plugin being unable to download the providers playlist. v0.6.3 has a workaround for the issue

Latest releases here

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19 thoughts on “e2m3u2bouquet 0.6.3

  1. Thanks for the new release guys, upgraded all the boxes here.

    Silly question but I’ve noticed that after the script runs I seem to lose EPG until epgimport is re-run so if you run lots of updates each day via cron you also need to run epg-import

    Is it possible to have the script kick off epg-import itself via an added switch please or is there another way around this (not sure if epgrefresh would sort it?)

    Thanks in advance

    1. Is this every time time the script does a channel update or just when you upgrade the script version?

  2. Jibran Ahmed

    Hi, it has stopped updating the Boquets. PPVAPPLE source.

    1. That’s an issue with your provider.

  3. Has anyone noticed us channels fail to play correctly through the plugin, they skip and are out of sync, sly news is the same but if you use e2m3u2bouquet.py to set up, provider, username and pass, the channels are fine and play as they should.

    1. The plugin and the python script are the same code base. You need to check the ‘All IPTV Type’ option – suspect you’ve changed this to enabled in the plugin.

      1. I think I have tried all channels on both enabled and disabled but I will double check later and get back to you.

        1. If you are using an override file make sure the ‘override service refs’ is set to disabled (otherwise the ‘All IPTV Type’ option won’t have any effect as the values in the override file will be used)

          1. You can also check one of the ‘userbouquet.suls’ bouquet files in /etc/enigma2 (all services, except vod, will start with ‘1’ if All IPTV TYPE option is false)

            1. Thanks for the info, I will try later and reply to you here.

  4. Cheers Doug – this will explain why through cloudflare playlists are not pulling 🙂 will update to the new file & thanks for the work

  5. Hi guys, have used the ipk file on a few boxes. I have been using 0.63 and up till now all been good. Have had trouble since Saturday though . Each time i install the plugin and the box restarts enigma2 after install , all my current favourites is wiped. This is before using the plugin even. Any others having the same thing happen. I am running on openvix 5.0.031 latest. Have tried on VU+Solo2/Vu+ Zero and Zgemma boxes.All doing the same thing. Any ideas guys??

    1. Read the help section and all good after following this

      Bouquets disappear after box is rebooted
      If you’ve already installed the providers iptv.sh script the changes it makes will need to be reverted otherwise the new bouquets will be deleted on restart

      SSH to the box and remove /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh – this sets iptv.sh to run on restart which causes all bouquets to be deleted
      N.B. Your box may use enigma2_pre_start.sh for other services. Check that it only contains iptv.sh before removing

  6. As a reseller your plug in has abbreviations for supplier for e.g. FAB for fabiptv , this does not help me as I try not to reveal who I am selling for. Is it not possible to have the supplier in number/code format and have a list on here to check on . I do really like the plug in but can roll it out to my customers as it takes one to suss out my supplier and go straight to them making me loose business

  7. for some reason bouquets are dissapearing for me if under cloudflare on the latest file, does the script send the header/IP info along with useragent ? using latest but just trying to debug why it’s happening, have tried all settings lowered also but it looks like when the cron runs if it cannot get through it empties etc – adding the command to box works fine, for me it looks like it happens when the cron runs the auto update…

  8. Hi
    , could you please explain what the option to set all to IPTV does. I’ve read that as a default the boxes run imported channels a DVB and that this option runs them as IPTV.

    I have found that with the all IPTV option ticked that the channels zap instantly and the highest res channels run like a dream when they would otherwise stutter under DVB.

    can this option be applied to channels imported via other means. in other words through the options menu of the box itself?

    many thanks, hope i explained myself clearly

  9. It is possible to set all channels to DVB, including the VOD?
    On my box Timeshift only works on DVB, not on IPTV.

  10. Hi

    When installing ‘enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_0.6.3_all.ipk’

    I’m getting the below error;
    *Satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet:
    * python-argparse *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensons-e2m3u2bouquet.
    Execution finished!!

    1. The plugin depends on python-argparse, python-image, python-imaging. These are in the plugin feed in the majority of images.

      If it’s not available in your image then I would suggest using a different image

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