V 0.5.1

Minor update.

The generated xml no longer has the streamUrl attribute. This means that your username & password is not in the xml file so custom mapping files can now easily be shared

If you wish to map a DVB service to an IPTV bouquet (by using the DVB service reference with no stream url) then this can be done by setting the new clearStreamUrl attribute to true

Full details of v0.5 release here

Download latest release here


4 thoughts on “e2m3u2bouquet 0.5.1

  1. For anyone who created an xml file in 0.5 who wants to share, use Notepad++ and add the following in the search and replace:

    (?<=streamUrl\=\").*?(?=\" />)

    Leave the replace as empty, and tick the “matches new line” option. Replacing all will remove your line from the xml file. Then, you can do a further search and replace for serviceRef=”” and replace this with clearStreamUrl=”false”

    Hope this helps some people 🙂

  2. The script will create a ‘e2m3u2bouquet-sort-current.xml’ file each time that it is run (which should reflect all changes in the ‘e2m3u2bouquet-sort-override.xml’ file) so it’s easiest just to save ‘e2m3u2bouquet-sort-current.xml’ as ‘e2m3u2bouquet-sort-override.xml’ and share.

  3. how do i put the file into putty ?

  4. Hi, please see the How do i use it? section on this page – https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/

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